From the Head or the Heart? An Experimental Design on the Impact of Explanation on Cognitive and Affective Trust
Qiaoning Zhang, X. Jessie Yang, Lionel P. Robert Jr. 2021
Automated vehicles (AVs) are social robots that can potentially benefit our
society. According to the existing literature, AV explanations can promote
passengers’ trust by reducing the uncertainty associated with the AV’s
reasoning and actions. However, the literature on AV explanations and trust has
failed to consider how the type of trust
- cognitive versus affective - might alter this relationship. Yet, the
existing literature has shown that the implications associated with trust vary
widely depending on whether it is cognitive or affective. To address this
shortcoming and better understand the impacts of explanations on trust in AVs,
we designed a study to investigate the effectiveness of explanations on both
cognitive and affective trust. We expect these results to be of great
significance in designing AV explanations to promote AV trust.