Looking Deeper into Tabular LIME

Damien Garreau, Ulrike von Luxburg. 2020


In this paper, we present a thorough theoretical analysis of the default implementation of LIME in the case of tabular data. We prove that in the large sample limit, the interpretable coefficients provided by Tabular LIME can be computed in an explicit way as a function of the algorithm parameters and some expectation computations related to the black-box model. When the function to explain has some nice algebraic structure (linear, multiplicative, or sparsely depending on a subset of the coordinates), our analysis provides interesting insights into the explanations provided by LIME. These can be applied to a range of machine learning models including Gaussian kernels or CART random forests. As an example, for linear functions we show that LIME has the desirable property to provide explanations that are proportional to the coefficients of the function to explain and to ignore coordinates that are not used by the function to explain. For partition-based regressors, on the other side, we show that LIME produces undesired artifacts that may provide misleading explanations.